Tag Archives: start with why

Simon says, “Start with ‘Why?'”

About a month ago, I found Simon Sinek’s TED talk “Start With Why,” AKA “The Golden Circle.”

About 7 minutes later, everything made sense and everything changed.

I watched Simon’s TED talk video in-between recording Beatnik Radio #4 and #5.  Starting with #5 is when I put the questions in the order of Why, How, What.  I changed the entire focus of my interview process to mirror the Start With Why or ‘Golden Circle’ method.  I did not explain what was happening during #5, I did however explained this during #6.  I think a short explanation helps a lot in this context.

A funny thing happened.  When I was prepping Graham Ripple for #6, Graham told me that he had seen that same TED talk about a year ago.  He explained that it changed everything about how he and his team at Life-Equals.com approached the entire marketing process.  They literally drew out a Golden Circle and restructured their efforts around it.  It shows in the video on Life-Equals.com.

Listen to what we say about it at the beginning and during the out-takes at the very end of our chat.

Thanks Simon!


Brought to you by James Hoffman Accounting.

Email — Jim@jimaccountant.com

He’s my Accountant! -Derek

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Start with “Why?”

BEHOLD! a creative business is close at hand.


Why beatnik radio?

Because we are…

  • Offering a view of the Kansas City Creative Business Landscape.
  • Providing a platform for Creative Businesses to let others know what they are up to.
  • Supporting people who are adding value to Kansas City and the world.
  • Proud of our little BIG city.
  • In love with Creative Kansas City Businesses.
  • Telling the stories and playing the songs of our fellow Creatives.
  • Inspired by our fellow Kansas City Creative Businesses.
  • E.P.I.C.
  • Because we are… about you.

-the truth…

…based on Good Marketing vs. Bad Marketing by Simon Sinek, a very inspiring and creative dude. -thanks Simon.

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